Ridge Preservation in Belton, TX
Loss of oral structures like the tooth crown or the whole tooth along with root can have a cascading effect on the surrounding structures, especially the alveolar ridge present underneath the tooth. The loss of teeth shows its effect in terms of a gradual reduction or loss of the alveolar ridge, and it causes further loss of other teeth consecutively as they lose their support. Restoration of the tooth through replacement with an artificial tooth is important in such a scenario to prevent this degradation.

At Cure Dental we aim to prevent this through Ridge Preservation procedures.
Ridge preservation protects the bone surrounding a lost tooth and keeps your mouth healthy!
The Ridge Preservation Begins With Tooth Extraction
A severely damaged tooth may necessitate the removal of the entire tooth, root and all. However, missing teeth can have an impact on your oral health because the root of a tooth stimulates jaw growth. When you remove that, the bone in the area begins to degrade and recede naturally.
This can lead to serious issues in the future. Experts at Cure Dental address this issue by providing ridge preservation treatment.
Ridge Preservation at Cure Dental
Ridge Maintenance After Tooth Loss
Loss of bone can also cause depressions or unevenness within the ridge, which is supported by the underlying bone’s contour. Ridge (or socket) preservation is a bone grafting procedure that rebuilds and stabilizes bone after an extraction leaves an empty socket.
A ridge preservation procedure is frequently recommended following an extraction. The treatment can help to improve the ridge’s aesthetics and avoid bony defects.
The Process of Ridge Preservation
Ridge preservation procedures should ideally begin with tooth removal. The extraction will be done carefully so that no existing bone in the socket is disturbed. The doctor will then insert a specialized bone grafting product. This material may be an autogenous graft, allograft, alloplast, or xenograft.
The bone grafting material is intended to replace bone in the socket while also stimulating growth. Sutures and possibly a collagen membrane will be used to stabilize the graft after it has been placed.
Healing time ranges from three to five months.
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The Advantages of Ridge Preservation
Leaving the socket empty after an extraction is also likely to result in jaw bone deterioration.
Ridge preservation can essentially reduce the amount of bone loss that occurs after one or more teeth are extracted. This procedure is intended to keep bone and soft tissue in the sockets from collapsing.
Advantages of ridge preservation include:
- The procedure is minimally invasive and causes little discomfort.
- Prepares the site for the placement of a dental implant or other tooth replacement in the future.
- Reduces the need for further grafting.
- Maintains the ridge’s aesthetics.
- Maintains a natural-looking smile.
Find Out What Ridge Preservation can do for Your Smile.
Ridge preservation is a time-tested restorative technique that can save your smile. It works to preserve the structure of your mouth so that you can later enjoy the many benefits of preserving your natural facial structure.